Hope Valley Renewables

A modest site like this could be hidden from view in the Hope Valley. Photo Moritz Kindler Unsplash

Benefitting and enhancing the community through local climate change mitigation projects

Hope Valley Renewables is a member driven Community Benefit Society. Our goal is to develop sustainable renewable energy projects that reduce CO2 emissions within the Hope Valley. The business of the society aims to benefit the community by:

  • Reducing the carbon footprint of the people, homes and businesses in the Hope Valley
  • Exploring sustainable ways to generate renewable energy locally
  • Re-investing profits in projects that support the local community’s response to the climate emergency
  • Improving bio-diversity in the Valley
  • Providing opportunities for local people of all ages to take positive action to combat climate change
  • Providing a funnel and a delivery group for community projects

A Community Benefit Society is a business that is run for the benefit of the wider community, re-investing profits in that community. Community Benefit Societies (also known as “bencoms”) are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Hope Valley Renewables has been set up by three members of the community who are passionate about the environment and about finding local ways to help tackle the climate emergency. Read about the founder members here.

Our environment and the Hope Valley

HVR recognise that the Peak Park and the Hope Valley are areas of outstanding beauty and a national asset. We are operating in a historic landscape shaped by centuries of use with a scattered rural population of mixed small villages and dwellings, both commercial and residential. It is an area of considerable sensitivity and needs to be protected as much as possible.

Additionally, we are operating at a time in history when the stresses on our environment, climate and ecosystems have never been greater and the need for mitigating actions more pressing. 

While we need to protect the landscape there is a need for the Peak Park to play its part in preventing climate change. Rightly the main thrust will come from maintaining and improving the natural biodiversity but there is a place for sympathetic development and changes within the Hope Valley that will improve the capacity of the Park and help its occupants to thrive.

Our commitments for projects

  • Ensure the community is engaged and supports developments
  • Any new developments will have minimal impact on the landscape
  • Each project will look to enhance biodiversity as part of its development
  • To use energy locally rather than exporting it to the grid
  • To improve the carbon impact of the houses and businesses without destroying the unique qualities of the Peak Park
  • Enhance the local natural environment and quality of life
  • Create a local legacy for the long term sustainability and resilience of the areas where we plan to operate.
  • Work in recognition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Join Us!

If you share our goal and would like to be part of the Society and get involved in our work, you can become a member. This will entitle you to a vote when there are elections to the board of directors and other key decisions or get involved in our projects.

You can become a supporter and just receive our newsletter or you can apply to become a shareholding member which will entitle you to a membership share, voting rights and a say in how HVR is run. If you want to become a full member, please tick the member box when signing up and we will be in touch.

You must be over 16 to be a member.

Help us save the future



* Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-enshrines-new-target-in-law-to-slash-emissions-by-78-by-2035